Your Guide on this Powerful Journey...

Tymothy Roy

Tym was once described as a 'Freedom Advisor' as his highest values are Freedom, Wisdom, Love & Justice. He has witnessed the power of someone stepping into the greater version of themselves many times.

His passion for doing 'The Great Work' fuels his ambitions to serve others in their alchemical journeys to know themselves at the deepest possible level. He believes that truly free people are a dangerous threat to mediocrity... and couldn't be more happy about that! Tym hopes you will rejoice with him in that powerful idea.
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Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to The Inner Alchemy Initiate Level Conourse!

  • 2

    WEEK 1: Gathering Provisions for the Journey Ahead

    • 1.0 - Let's Get Started!

    • 1.1 - The Journey

    • 1.2 - WCC

    • 1.3 - PPP Declaration

    • 1.4 - S.T.O.P.

    • 1.5 - N.A.0.T.

    • 1.6 - Two Words

    • 1.7 - Avatar Icon

    • 1.8 - 5... 4... 3... Re-AL-i-ty

    • INNER ALCHEMY - WEEK 1.9 - Wrap UP

  • 3

    WEEK 2: How to Get from Here to There... (but not back again!)

    • 2.0 - Intro to Week 2

    • 2.1 - The Path of Mastery

    • 2.2 - EMPs

    • 2.3 - The Shape of Progress

    • 2.4 - The 7 Laws of Inner Alchemy

    • 2.5 - Self-Diagnosis & Triangulation

    • 2.6 - Current-Self Assessment

    • 2.7 - Designing the Dream

    • 2.8 - Week 2 Wrap Up

  • 4

    WEEK 3: What to Do When Things Get Messy

  • 5

    WEEK 4: Connecting to the Strength to See Things Through

  • 6

    WEEK 5: Well... There Had to Be Obstacles - Didn't There?

    • 5.0 - Intro to Week 5

    • 5.1 - EMPs - Vol. 2

    • 5.2 - OBSTACLE 1: Friends, Family, Faith & The Future

    • 5.3 - OBSTACLE 2: The Box

    • 5.4 - OBSTACLE 3: Upper Limit Problems

    • 5.5 - OBSTACLE 4: Wanting, Having & Transcending Resistance

    • 5.6 - Shape of Progress - Pt. 2

    • 5.7 - IAM - Advanced

    • 5.8 - Elevating Your Game with Questions

    • 5.9 - Week 5 Wrap Up

  • 7

    WEEK 6: Emerging the Hero of Your Own Story

Your Time Is Now

No one is going to do this for you... the choice of freedom is yours.

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